Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 4 Fun Show

On the fourth day at this camp there will be a fun show for all the campers to participate in and show off their new learned skills to parents, friends and anyone else who may come watch. The campers were given courses and pattens at the end of each of their lessons to learn that would be preformed at the show. There will not be a cross country phase at the show because the riders did not have enough time to work on that part with their horses and there are times in a cross country course when the rider cannot be seen clearly by people. The riders are expected to have their simple dressage test memorized as well as their jumping course.

Riders will be judged on their form and how well they excecuted the course. They will be judged as if it were a real competition and will be placed accordingly. This show is a really fun way to show others what you have learned while at the camp.

I hope you enjoy your time with us!

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