Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 2 Lesson Plan

The Group that was at the dressage ring yesterday will move to the Show Jumping arena today.

Day 2 Lesson Plan (75 mins)
Before beginning the lesson, the instructor will teach the riders about the components of showjumping. They will learn about the rules and penalties that can be given in this sport. Riders will be reminded about the skills they learned yesterday in Dressage. The instructor will go over posting trot and the proper aids riders learned to get their horse to do certain desired tasks. They will go over cantering and the aids that it takes to get the horse to canter.

A warm up will consist of walking the horse around for a few minutes to warm up and stretch his/her muscles and then doing some transitions from walk to trot. The riders will do some circles and halt transitions to get the horse listening and then they will start into the lesson. (10 mins)

Starting into the lesson, the instructor will set out some poles on the ground for the riders to trot over. The instructor will teach the riders about a 2 point. The riders will be expected to do a posting trot up to the poles and then go into a 2 point over the poles. This teaches the rider what position they are supposed to be in as they go over jumps. (15 mins)

Next the instructor will put up a small cross rail and ask the riders to do a posting trot up to the cross rail and then, looking ahead and not at the jump, go into a 2 point and the horse will go over the jump. The instructor will also tell the riders that they need to approach the jump in a straight line. This will allow the horse to see the jump and prepare for it. Another important thing when jumping is to release with your hands a little bit so the horse is not jabbed in the mouth when going over the jump. New jumpers could hold onto the mane while going over the jump for extra balance when they are starting out. After everyone goes over once, the instructor will explain about being "ahead" and "behind" the horse. When the rider is "ahead" of the horse he or she goes into the 2 point position to early and it will slightly throw the horse off balance. When the rider is "behind" the horse he or she did not go into the 2 point position soon enough and is left behind the horse.
The instructor will get the riders to go over the cross rail again and try not to be ahead or behind the horse. (20 mins)

Next the instructor will set up a small course of cross rail fences and the riders will ride this course at a trot one at a time. The Riders will do this course a few times and the instructor will give them feedback on their performance each time. (25 mins)

A cool down will consist of walking the horses around the ring on a loose rein. (5 mins)

The course above will also be the course ridden at the Fun Show.

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